Layla with mom Wendy | with dogs Molly and Penny

I was born in Dearborn and raised in the city of Wayne by a single mother. She taught me the value of hard work and instilled in me a pride in being part of a working family. I know the challenges facing the working class today—and that it shouldn't be this hard. We need someone in Lansing who will fight for affordable, accessible, and adequate healthcare, and for affordable housing for all. Someone who will fight for us. That's why I am running.

I've been part of this fight for nearly a decade as a public health advocate and community organizer. I'm now running as a progressive Democrat focused on securing quality, affordable healthcare for all Michiganders, fighting for a livable wage for working families, and delivering environmental justice to ensure residents have access to clean water and air. My commitment to protecting public health is driven by my belief in prioritizing people over profits.

In my commitment to justice and equity I am not accepting corporate donations. I believe our elected representatives must be beholden to the people, not wealthy corporations and donors. We need a Lansing that works for all of us.

Raised in the Wayne-Westland community, I studied global health at the University of Michigan and went on to earn my Master of Public Health with a Certificate in Health Policy from Columbia University.

After several years working as a health policy analyst evaluating Medicare reimbursement and nursing home quality, I began organizing in my community for voting rights and reproductive freedom. I was one of the Catholic voices working with the Reproductive Freedom for All campaign to pass Proposal 3 and enshrine abortion as a right in Michigan’s Constitution.

I currently serve as Program Director for Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, operating her youth engagement and campaign programming, as well as her workplace organizing trainings.

Layla graduating from Columbia | joining UAW strike | at Capitol with Congresswoman Tlaib

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